About Us
JHSV stands for Juri[1] Seelmann[3] and Vincent[4] Haupt[2]The dynamic duo started developing websites in its early days. When we were 14 or 15 years old, we published our first professional website called “HÜ-Tausch” which was later known as “4school”. The purpose of 4school was to create a platform where pupils could share their homework with others and get rewarded with “4school points”. Although 4school did not get as famous as we hoped, we were thrilled when people from all over Europe started signing up on our website and even started uploading real homework!
Motivated from our early success we started lots of similar projects in the following years and created many private websites.
Some years ago, we began to develop mobile apps and again, like in our early days, we were very excited to see how many people liked them.
On this website you can see some of our projects.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Juri Seelmann
Juri has studied computer science in Innsbruck and has been involved in many apps, websites and other projects. Check out his website for more Information.
Hobbies: Traveling, Drones, Blockchain, Motorcycling.
Vincent Haupt
Vincent has various skills in graphic- and web-design and is the creative head of JHSV. He is responsible for designing and implementing the beautiful user interfaces of apps and websites. Therefore, he also acquired a lot of experience in programming (e.g. in JavaScript, Dart, ...) and addresses complex problems.Aside of his full time job in chemistry, Vincent always has time to work on creative ideas for new design approaches.
Hobbies: Pizza, Drums, Music, Motorcycling.
We like to make Apps!

To help you get away from the hustle and bustle of Christmas, this app will help making things easy for you!
With this app you can easily make a Secret Santa lottery to randomly choose who gives a present to whom.
This app can be used both while sitting comfortably with friends and family, as well as online via e-mail or various messengers.
Secret Santa is a Christmas tradition also known as Wichteln, Kris Kringle, Chris Kindle (Christkindl), Amigo Secreto, Monito-Monita, Angelito, Julklapp, or Engerl-Bengerl.
Especially in times like this, you don't necessarily have to meet in person, to make your yearly Secret-Santa drawing. Keep the social distance and also stay connected with your friends and family.

Send you personalized Advent Calendar easily per web link, which can be opened on all devices. So, you can also reach friends which life far away. Because the link is available on different platforms you can also share it with iPhone users or your grandparents which just have an old computer.
Shorten the time to Christmas with 24 personal Christmas surprises. For example, you can give a daily memory of shared memories of adventures or holidays. Write a lovely message or give some quests to solve.
For sharing you don't need an e-mail address or to register. The link to your Advent Calendar is generated automatically, and you can easily copy or directly share it.
And if you are late, it is no problem to add further images or messages in December. You can share the Advent Calendar and finish it afterwards. Than your additional pictures and messages will be added automatically.

🕛 The app utilizes perfectly synced internet time for the most accurate countdown!
📱 Our app features a sleek and modern design.
🎆 But that's not all! We have a special surprise for you on New Year's Eve. As the clock strikes midnight, our app will unveil an exciting and exclusive feature to start the new year in an even more festive way.
Download our New Year Countdown app today and get ready to celebrate the start of a new year!

This powerful application offers a comprehensive set of features to help you count your drinks, calculate your blood alcohol level, and keep track of the costs associated with your night out.
The app includes key features such as:
🍺 Counter: No more scribbling on napkins or trying to remember your drinks the next day. Drink Counter makes it effortless to keep a precise count of your beverages. Just tap on the drink icon, and it's logged! It's like having a friendly bartender right in your pocket.
📈 Blood Alcohol Level Calculator: We care about your well-being. Simply input your body weight, body height, and the types and quantities of drinks you've had and the Drink Counter's smart algorithm, will estimate your blood alcohol level, helping you make responsible choices and avoid going overboard.
💰 Cost Tracker: Worried about your bar tab? Drink Counter has you covered. The app calculates the cost of your drinks based on manual input. Stay informed about your expenses throughout the night and make sure you're on budget. Additionally, this could help you to check if the number of drinks from your bar/restaurant bill is correct.
🍹 It offers an easy way to add custom drinks (with prices, size and percentage of alcohol).
📊 Additionally, a statistic shows the total number of drinks and their prices.
Drink responsibly and have a worry-free night out with Drink Counter!
Websites are cool too!

A website for the work of Vincent's mother.
The website is quite simple but has some nice animations.
Responsible contact persons:
Vincent Haupt
Juri Seelmann
Knollerstrasse 5
6020 Innsbruck